Friday: Chicken Wrap; Lettuce; Corn; Peaches; Apple OR Ham Salad Bar
Monday: Pancakes, sausage, carrot stix, hash browns, grapes, banana or taco salad bar
Today: ACT Registration deadline
1:30 dismissal – Professional Development
7:00 p.m. – Varsity FB at West Lyon – neon night!!
The Volleyball Tournaments that were scheduled at Unity on Saturday and next Monday are cancelled. Please tell anyone interested of this cancellation.
Sports report: All 3 volleyball teams won last night at Trinity Christian.
Tulip Court: Unity candidates are Elsie Bartels, Laura Beltman, Summer Bousema, Lindsey Jacobsma, Jenna Smit . All Unity students are eligible to vote. YOU MUST REGISTER TODAY SO YOU CAN VOTE ON-LINE ON SEPTEMBER 23!
Just google up Orange City Tulip Festival, scroll down on the page to register.