The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Tuesday - 8 periods
Wednesday - Block 1,3,5,7 with chapel
Chapel: Mr. Byma
Thursday - Block 2,4,6,8 with chapel
Chapel: Mr. Byma
PM Break - Girls Soccer Meeting in Mrs. Nyenhuis’ room (rm 124)
4:00pm - JVR VB @ Western Christian Tournament
Friday - 8 Periods - 1:30 Dismissal
7:00pm - V Co-Ed CC @ Augustana College Invite
7:00pm - V FB @ Ridgeview - Construction Dress-up Theme!
Friday 8/25 V FB score vs MOC-FV - won 29-25.
Saturday 8/26 V VB scores: vs Hinton - Lost 0-2 (13-21, 17-21) ; vs Bishop Heelan Catholic - Lost 0-2 (22-24, 20-22); vs Southwest Christian, MN - Lost 1-2 (21-19, 15-21, 12-15); vs Gehlen Catholic - Won 2-0 (21-11, 21-19)
FALL SPORTS APPAREL is in! Stop in the office to pick up.
Football team/individual pictures are in the office.
Girls Soccer Meeting - If you are planning on or interested in playing soccer next spring, come to the meeting during Thursday afternoon break in Mrs. Nyenhuis' room (room 124). There will be treats!
Season Passes & Single Game Tickets:
There will be NO CASH SALES at the gate this year. All tickets can be purchased through Bound or with credit card at the gate.
***Season passes MUST be purchased prior to coming to the football game Friday.***
Single game ticket prices are $7 each. Children younger than kindergarten are free.
Kids Cheer Camp - Friday, Sept 22, 2023 Begins at 4:00 PM/Ends after half-time of the football game. Click on the link above for more details as well as the registration form and instructions. Deadline to register is Friday, September 8.
Yearbooks: If you have not stopped in the office to pick up last year’s yearbook, please do so! There is an alphabetized list for you to check your name off. Thank you!
Unity is searching for a used pickup. Weekly, a truck comes in handy for pulling a trailer, hauling materials away or for picking up items. If you have an older truck that you wish to donate or sell, please contact Terry Schouten at Unity at
Quiz Bowl: Quiz Bowl is an academic team competition where teams compete head-to-head to answer questions from all areas of knowledge, including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, geography, sports, and more. No matter what your area of interest is, there is a place for you on quiz bowl. If interested, sign up on the sheet outside of Mrs. De Groot’s door. If you would like more information, talk to Mrs. De Groot.
STUDENTS: if you have trouble getting into JMC, try using this URL: Login as normal.