The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Friday, February 4, 2022
Lunch Today: BBQ Pork sandwich, potato chips, baked beans, applesauce, mandarin oranges or chicken salad bar
Lunch Monday: Tacos, potato rounds, lettuce with dressing, peaches, apple or chicken salad bar
Today: 1:30 dismissal - Professional Development
* Dordt Orchestra Festival – 7:00 Concert at Dordt
* Boys soccer meeting Friday after school upstairs in the PE-Health room.
* 4:30 JV Boys and V Girls & Boys Basketball vs. HLP - Away
- JV leaves at 3:00 & V bus leaves 3:30
Tomorrow: State Group Speech Competition at Spencer
Sunday Night: Knightsounds at Covenant CRC in Sioux Center
Sports Report - JV/V girls and JV boys won their games against Rock Valley and V boys lost.
The Student Council Coffee Shop will now be open during afternoon break instead of the morning. We will still be offering the same products, just at a later time.
Crush Cans:
Next week Monday - Friday students can order crush cans to be sent to people’s lockers. There are colors to choose from:
Orange: Friendship
Purple: Crush
Pink: Relationship
Students can purchase Crush Cans during afternoon break at the Student Council Coffee Shop for a dollar. The cans will then be delivered on Monday morning to each person’s designated locker.
Pixie Week:
Coming Soon…
More details after Chapel Feb 8"
If you are interested in doing hair/make up for the musical, sign up in Miss Van Dyke's room.