The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Monday, November 28, 2022
Monday - 8 Period
Officer Pollema here - AM
6:00 pm - Fr/JV B BB vs Rock Valley
6:00 pm - Cheer meeting tonight in cafeteria for cheerleaders and parents.
Tuesday - 8 Period
3:45 pm - JV/V G/B BB vs. Le Mars
Wednesday - Blocks 1, 3, 5, 7
Living Groups
Thursday - Blocks 2, 4, 6, 8
Chapel: Rev. Todd De Rooy
Officer Pollema here - AM
6:00 pm - FR G/B BB @ Sioux Center - leave @ 5:00
Friday - 8 Period
Honor Orchestra recordings due
4:30 pm - JV/V G/B BB @ Spirit Lake - JV dismiss @ 2:35; leave @ 2:50; V leave @ 3:45
Quiz Bowl @ Spirit Lake
10:00 am - Fr G BB @ Woodbury Central Tournament - leave @ 8:30
Girls BB vs. Gehlen on 11/22 - JV won 63-18 and V won 65-35.
Basketball season is upon us and that also means the Knight Store will be open for your convenience! Come do some Christmas shopping and support the Booster Club!! We have some new items in the store just in time for Christmas! Any questions contact Missy Driesen 578-9927.
CHEER: There will be a meeting at 6pm Monday night (tonight) in the cafeteria for cheerleaders and their parents.
Help us raise money for the Heytsi's mission in Ukraine. The Comm II class will be providing drinks and baked goods during 2nd break on Wed. Nov. 30th. Maranda Heytsi has said that much of Ukraine is without electricity, making it very cold. We will be using raised funds to buy warm socks and shoes and maybe small propane camping stoves as well.
Please consider generously donating towards this cause. Venmo will be available.
Audition material for our spring show, Sarah, Plain and Tall,are available in Ms. Van Dyke's room. Sign up for auditions in her room too. December 9 is the deadline to sign up for an audition.