The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Lunch Today - Lasagna, garlic bread, lettuce with dressings, green beans, mixed fruit, pears or taco salad bar
Lunch Tomorrow - BBQ sandwich, potato chips, baked beans, applesauce, mandarin oranges or chicken salad bar
Today: Blocks 2,4,6,8
Chapel: Praise Chapel
8:00 a.m. Student Council Meeting
F/JV/V Volleyball at Akron-Westfield - bus leaves at 3:50
Tomorrow: Officer Pollema here in the p.m.
7:00 p.m. – Var. FB game vs. CL/GLR - Away
* Bus leaves at 4:45
5-7 Tailgate serving Burgers, chips, cookies and drink. Freewill donation. Located Central Lyon Activity Center behind the North End Zone.
Class Officers 2021-2022
Seniors are President Mylia Wagenaar, Vice President Landon Hofmeyer, Secretary Lucas Van Berkel and Treasurer Katy Timmer.
Juniors are President Cassady Dekkers, Vice President Aubrey De Groot, Secretary Brooklyn Vander Veen and Treasurer Lizzy King.
Sophomores are President Karlee Hofmeyer, Vice President Anna De Jong, Secretary Ryan Van Schouwen and Treasurer Caleb Westra.
Freshmen are President Graden Van Essen, Vice President Addison Terpstra, Secretary Taryn Van Meeteren and Treasurer Braeden Bosma.
Thank you for representing your class!
Lost and Found - Bluetooth earbuds were found. Please claim it in the office.