The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Tuesday: 8 periods
Today’s menu has switched with Friday's menu!
5:00pm - JV/V Co-ed CC @ LeMars Invite (Brunsville)
Dismiss @ 3:00; leave @ 3:15
5:30pm - JV FB @ Gehlen Catholic
Leave 4:15
Wednesday: Block 1,3,5,7
Living Groups
Precision Ag Day - ag students attend
Thursday: Block 2,4,6,8
Chapel: Brian Keepers
Officer Pollema - AM
5:30pm - JVR/JV/V VB @ Sheldon
Leave @ 4:00
Friday: 8 periods
7:00pm - V FB @ Sioux Center
Leave 5:15
8:30am - V VB - Sioux County Pizza Ranch Tournament (@ Unity) - NO Season passes accepted. We are the host school but this is not a “home” event. Tickets are $7 - can purchase ahead through Bound or with credit card at the gate.
9:00am - JV VB @ Sioux City North Tournament - leave @ 7:30am
All fall activity team/individual pictures are in the office! Stop by and pick yours up today!
Season Passes & Single Game Tickets:
There will be NO CASH SALES at the gate this year. All tickets can be purchased through Bound or with credit card at the gate. Instructions to purchase season passes or single game tickets through Bound.
Kids Cheer Camp - Friday, Sept 22, 2023 Begins at 4:00 PM/Ends after half-time of the football game. Click on the link above for more details as well as the registration form and instructions. Deadline to register is this Friday, September 8.
TODAY’S lunch menu has been switched with FRIDAY’S menu. (See menu above.)
After School Program: Students - starting on September 5, which is today, the after school program will be mandatory for all students with missing scores. Please check your own JMC progress report and take care of the late work before 3:30 on Tuesday and Thursday. If the late work isn't turned in before that time on those days, you are required to attend the after school program until the work is completed. If you fail to turn assignments in on time or attend the after school program, the student with the missing assignment will be given detention.
Freshmen interested in Student Council: any freshman interested in being on student council can pick up an application in the office today. If you are interested, there will also be an informational meeting during afternoon break in the conference room.
Choir Opportunities: If you are interested in singing in Bel Canto (women's choir) or Mannenkoor (men's choir) this school year, please sign up on the table in the music room. Each ensemble meets one morning per week before school. Contact Mr. Van Voorst with any questions.
Family photos: We have a family tree in our Courtyard and would love to continue building our tree. Our goal is to get to know the many names and faces of our Unity families. If you are a new family to Unity or a current family and would like to update your current photo would you please email us a digital family photo; Include the names of the people in the photo. If you have a split household, we would like photos of both families. Please send pictures and names to Thank you for your help! We look forward to receiving your photo!
Yearbooks: If you have not stopped in the office to pick up last year’s yearbook, please do so! There is an alphabetized list for you to check your name off. Thank you!
Quiz Bowl: Quiz Bowl is an academic team competition where teams compete head-to-head to answer questions from all areas of knowledge, including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, geography, sports, and more. No matter what your area of interest is, there is a place for you on quiz bowl. If interested, sign up on the sheet outside of Mrs. De Groot’s door. If you would like more information, talk to Mrs. De Groot.