Lunch: Orange Chicken, rice, green beans, corn, mandarin oranges
Tomorrow: Tavern, fries, baked beans, strawberries, pineapple, pickle spears
Today: School Pictures for grades 9-11.
Blocks 1,3,5,7
Chapel – Mr. Byma
Officer Pollema here in the a.m.
Tomorrow: Blocks 2,4,6,8
Chapel – Alex Geleynse
Sports Report: Freshmen, JV, and V volleyball all won their games last evening against South O’Brien!
Good news from the Kitchen: Today will be returning to hard trays and silverware. Tray return stations will be set up in each of the designated eating areas. Please stack your trays neatly. A gentle reminder- this will ONLY work if you are diligent in using the hand sanitizer prior to selecting your food. In advance- THANKS!
Students, you are NOT allowed to go to the weight room during your lunch.
Students, please use the hand sanitizer in the lunch room before taking your tray for lunch. Please also wash your hands regularly throughout the day and cover your coughs and sneezes with your elbows, not your hands.
Senior girls interested in the 2021 Tulip Court – please remember to turn in the required documents as noted in the informational letter to the Tulip Festival office by this Friday, September 11 at 5:00 p.m. Questions can be directed to the Tulip Festival office at 712-707-4510. Thank you!