Jr. Knights Girls Softball Sign Up 2024
The purpose of Jr. Knights is to give girls the opportunity to develop a passion and excitement for softball. Our goal is to help them develop an understanding of the game of softball while developing a great work ethic. Jr. Knights softball is for girls finishing grade 4th-8th.
Softball season typically runs from the middle of May through the first week of July. Practice times vary depending on field availability and the coach's schedule. All softball practices are played at Vets Park, Pool Fields, or at OCCS in Orange City. Game times are scheduled at night with 4th grade playing first and 5th & 6th grade will follow. 4th, 5th, and 6th home games are held at the fields by the pool in Orange City. The 7th grade and 8th grade teams will also combine for practice but play their games separately. Games and practices for 7th and 8th grade are typically held late morning. Girls could be moved up a grade based on talent and numbers.
4th Grade -
5th Grade -
6th Grade -
7th/8th Grade -
Girls finishing 8th Grade are welcome to join high school practices in May as a tryout for the high school team. If they make the team, they will have the option of playing both high school and Jr. Knights. A meeting will be set up between parents and coaches to discuss the options. More information about these practices will be sent out at a later date.
If you have question please contact either Cody Harskamp (Junior Knights Coordinator) charskamp@unitychristian.net or Travis De Jong (Head Softball Coach) tdejong@occhristian.pvt.k12.ia.us