Moms In Prayer
YOU ARE INVITED: All mothers, grandmothers and any women willing to pray specifically for Unity students, their activities and the school are invited to join Unity’s Moms In Prayer group. We meet for one hour on Tuesday each week that school is in session to pray for our children, the Unity staff, administration, school board, activities, etc. Please feel free to come any Tuesday that fits your schedule. Confidentiality is strictly upheld.
MEETING TIME: Every Tuesday 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. when school is in session
LOCATION: We meet at Unity in the conference room near the office.
FELLOWSHIP: First Tuesday of the month, following our prayer time, we enjoy lunch together at restaurant in Orange City.
PERSONAL GROWTH: Scripture, worship music, attributes and character of God will be incorporated in our prayer time.
PARTICIPATION: All women are welcome. Please don’t hesitate to come if you are uncomfortable with praying out loud. Silent prayers are powerful and encouraged. We use a style of praying called “praying in one accord” in which prayers are short and on the same topic before moving to another topic. This allows for much silent prayer and God’s Holy Spirit to direct our prayers.
PURPOSE: It is our desire to:
- stand in the gap for our children and lift up their needs and concerns to the Lord.
- be a blessing, encouragement and positive support to Unity
- To provide support and encouragement to moms who carry heavy burdens for their children.
HISTORY: Unity’s MIP group began meeting in 2003 with a group of moms who were already meeting regularly to pray with the Sioux Center Christian grade school MIP group. These moms decided to also pray for Unity and their high school age children and invite all moms of Unity students to join them. Unity’s group is part of the Moms In Prayer International Ministry which was begun in 1984 by Fern Nichols (originally called Moms In Touch International). The name was changed in 2012. Today there are Moms in Prayer groups in every state in the United States and representatives in over 140 countries around the world! More information on the ministry of Moms in Prayer can be found at their website:
PRAYER REQUESTS: Do you have a prayer request for your child, family or Unity? Please email your requests to (confidentiality strictly upheld)
QUESTIONS: Please feel free to call, email, or text Sue 712-360-0650
*MEN ARE WELCOME to join us for the prayer walk at the beginning of the school year and receive weekly emails. If two or more fathers/men are interested in this prayer ministry we will help them set up a group of their own.