Wednesday: Spaghetti, garlic bread, lettuce/dressing, carrot sticks, mixed fruit, pears
Thursday: Baked potato, ham, breadstick, baked beans, pineapple, strawberries or chicken salad bar
Today: Living Groups
4:15 p.m. – Jr. High Fun Run at Vets Park
A representative from NCC will be here today at 1:00 p.m. to meet with interested seniors – sign up in Mr. Byma’s office.
Sports Report:
Both CC boys teams placed 3rd out of 13 teams
Both CC girls team placed 5th out of 13 teams
Volleyball vs. Gehlen: Fr. L 0-2; JV L 0-2; Var. won 3-0
Tomorrow: Officer Pollema here in the morning
Chapel: Jason Lief
5:00 p.m. – F/JV/V Volleyball at Trinity Chr.
F/JV dismiss 3:25, bus leaves at 3:45
Tulip Court: Plan to vote for Tulip Court next week Wednesday, Sept. 23 – Unity candidates are Elsie Bartels, Laura Beltman, Summer Bousema, Lindsey Jacobsma, Jenna Smit . All Unity students are eligible to vote.;
· Bel Canto - anyone interested in singing in a women's choir should sign up for Bel Canto with Mr. Van Voorst. The first rehearsal will be Friday morning at 7:00. Stop by the music room or send an email to to sign up or ask questions. No prior choir experience necessary.
· If you have lost an item, it is worth checking in the office to see if it was turned in.
· Students, please use the hand sanitizer in the lunch room before taking your tray for lunch. Please also wash your hands regularly throughout the day and cover your coughs and sneezes with your elbows, not your hands.