The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Friday, April 30
Lunch Menu
Friday: Box Lunch Social
Monday: Ham, mash potatoes, carrots, dinner roll, applesauce, grapes or chicken salad bar
Box Lunch Social
Bell Schedule
Pd.1 8:25-9:07
Pd.2 9:10-9:47
Break 9:47-9:55
Pd.3 9:59-10:36
Pd.4 10:39-11:16
Lunch 11:16-12:26
Pd.5 12:30-1:07
Pd.6 1:10-1:47
Break 1:47-1:54
Pd.7 1:58-2:38
Pd.8 2:41-3:30
4:30 p.m. Hinton Golf Away - dismiss at 2:40 p.m.
4:30 p.m. Boys Soccer vs. Sheldon at Home
4:30 p.m. Girls Soccer vs. Sheldon Away - dismiss at 3:00 and leave at 3:15
5:00 p.m. MMCRU Track Relays at Marcus - dismiss at 3:15 and leave at 3:30
5:00 p.m. Northwest Iowa High School Honor Orchestra Festival
Sports Report
Girls and Boys Golf both won their golf meets against Remsen. Laura Beltman shot a 40 and was the medalist. Kerri Kroeze was runner-up medalist with a 43. Jack Noteboom shot a 38 and was the medalist. Dayton Visser was runner-up medalist with a 39, and Titan Hulstein took 3rd place with a 41.
Girls Soccer @ MOC - JV won 2-0. Varsity won 1-0 in double overtime
Boys Soccer vs MOC - JV tied 1-1. Varsity lost 0-2.
WEC All Conference Academic Award Recipients please meet by the office afternoon break on TODAY to have your picture taken and receive your certificates. Thank you!
Cleanathon: There are extra envelopes in the office if you would like to distribute more of them. Thank you!
Grandparent and Summer & Baseball online apparel stores are now open for ordering. The Booster store will be opening soon. Deadline is next Monday, May 3 at 10:00 a.m. Contact Lori De Jong at or Kristin Van Maanen at if you have any questions.
Booster Club
We are looking for a few new couples to serve on the Booster Club Board starting this summer. Are you looking for a way to serve others, meet new families, and share your talents at Unity? Consider this opportunity to help support all of Unity's co-curricular activities! Contact Micah & Kristin Van Maanen at or 712-737-2706 if you are interested or have any questions.