Monday: 8 periods
Softener salt order deadline today! See announcement below.
6 PM - JVR G BB @ Spirit Lake - lv @ 4:00
Tuesday: 8 periods with chapel
Chapel: Praise
3:30 PM - Game Club
Sophomore Soup Supper - Sign up for sophomore jobs available at 3:45 PM
JV G/B, JVRB, V G/B BB @ Sheldon
4:30 - JV B - MIDDLE SCHOOL GYM - dismiss @ 3, lv @ 3:15
4:30 - JV G - HIGH SCHOOL GYM - dismiss @ 3, lv @ 3:15
5:45 - JVR B - MIDDLE SCHOOL GYM - lv @ 4:30
6:00 - V G - HIGH SCHOOL GYM - lv @ 4:30
7:30 - V B - HIGH SCHOOL GYM - lv @ 4:30
Wednesday: Block 1,3,5,7 with Living Groups
Living Groups
Thursday: Block 2,4,6,8 with chapel
Chapel: Dan Antoine
Boys Track Meeting for all guys interested in track after chapel in the Knight Center
Girl's Track and Field: short sign up and info meeting during the afternoon break in the lunch room
NWI Honor Orchestra
4:30 PM - JVR B BB @ Western Christian
Friday: 8 periods with 1:30 PD Dismissal
JV G/B, JVRB, V G/B BB vs. MOC-FV (Reach Out Game)
4:00 - JVR B - AUX GYM
4:30 - JV G - MAIN GYM
5:15 - JV B - AUX GYM
6:00 - V G - MAIN GYM
7:30 - V B - MAIN GYM
Chili cheese dogs will be served in the concessions tonight.
8:30 - 11 AM - Quiz Bowl @ MOC
2:30 PM - Stanley County vs. Unity Christian - V B BB @ Heritage Classic Tournament @ Pentagon
Fri. 1/24 BB vs. Okoboji : JVR B - Won 59-37; JVR G - Won 51-31; V G - Won 70-55; V B - Won 78-42
LAST DAY TO ORDER!! Guatemala Softener Salt Fundraiser: The Guatemala team is selling 40 pound bags of softener salt (crystals) for $10. If you do not have contact information for one of the students going on the trip, contact Rhonda Van Donge to make your order (rvandonge@unitychristian.net or 712- 441-3722). Thank you for your support of our trip!
1/25 District Large Group Results: We brought 7 groups, and 3 of them are going to move on to the state competition on February 8. They are a short film entitled “Gum,” a radio broadcast entitled “KAWH,” and the Nyenhuis/Van Genderen improv group.
Sophomore Soup Supper: Sign ups for sophomore jobs will be available Tuesday afternoon at 3:45 PM.
FFA Fruit Sales began Friday, January 19 and goes through Thursday, February 13. Delivery will be March 3-7. Contact a FFA member to order or use this form to fill out and bring to the Unity!
2024-2025 Yearbook Order Form - please fill this out to purchase a yearbook. Each yearbook is $50. The yearbooks will arrive in August.
Feb 7 SMSU Ag Bowl/FFA Invite
Feb 8 ACT Test Date
State Large Group Speech
Feb 11 4:30-7:30 - Sophomore Soup Supper
Feb 13-15 Dordt University Honor Band/Orchestra
Feb 14 No School - Staff PD Day
Feb 17 No School
Feb 18 Pops Concert
Feb 22 All-State Festival - Large Group Speech
Feb 26 School Board Meeting
Feb 27 6:30-8:00 - Science Fair Open House
Feb 28 1:30 PD Dismissal
ACT Registration Deadline - 4/5 test date