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Writer's pictureUnity Secretary

The Daily Knightline, Tuesday, February 6


Tuesday - 8 periods with chapel

Chapel: Mr. Byma

4:30pm - JV/V G/B BB vs. Central Lyon - SENIOR NIGHT (BB & Dance Team)

Praise & Worship night - after BB games in Knight Center

Wednesday - Block 1,3,5,7

Living Groups

Thursday - Block 2,4,6,8

Chapel: Pastor Verlyn Boone

4:30pm - JV/V G/B BB @ Sioux Center

- JV dismiss @ 3:25 and leave @ 3:40; V leave @ 4:40

4:30 - JV Boys (middle school)

4:30 - JV Girls (high school)

6:00 - V Girls (high school)

7:30 - V Boys (high school)

Friday - 8 periods

Saturday - ACT Test Date

7:00pm - G BB 3A Regional Tournament - Unity @ MOC-FV


Fri, 2/2, JV/V Girls & Boys vs MOC-FV scores: JV Girls - Lost 36-41; JV Boys - Lost 50-62; Varsity Girls - Lost 37-49; Varsity Boys - Lost 62-71

Mon, 2/5, JVR B BB vs MOC-FV scores:  1st game - Won 63-60 OT; 2nd game - Won 29-13 (2 quarters)


State Speech results: A great day of speech! Our Readers Theatre and Radio Broadcasting both earned straight 1s, and our Acting Ensemble received straight 2s! 

Little House on the Prairie shirts can be ordered HERE. Orders must be placed before February 12. 

PRAISE AND WORSHIP NIGHT - We will be having our third praise and worship night at Unity TONIGHT, February 6, 2024. It will take place after the home basketball games that night. We are hoping to have as many people come as possible. This will be a great opportunity to worship as a community of all ages. It will be put on by the UCHS Student Council and Praise Team. Admission is free and there will be additional time for fellowship afterwards.

2023-2024 Yearbook Order Form - click on the link and complete the form for your yearbook orders! 

FFA Fruit Sales go through Wednesday, February 14.  Delivery will be March 4-8. Contact an FFA member to order! Find the corrected order form HERE 

ACT Prep Class - Last call to sign up for the Spring ACT Prep at Unity (in advance of the April 13 test date). We have room for 7 more students (available until Wed. Feb. 7). Sessions will be Saturday mornings 9-12 at school starting February 24. Total cost is $150 with checks payable to Unity and due by the first session. If you are interested in signing your child up or have any questions, email Mrs. Ruth Clark at and she will take care of the rest!

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