The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Lunch Today: Chicken sandwich, french fries, green bean casserole, mandarin oranges, banana or ham salad bar Lunch Tomorrow: Cavatini, garlic bread, lettuce with dressing, dill pickles, pears, mixed fruit or chicken salad bar
Today: Chapel - Jon Eveland
Noon - Moms in Prayer
Tomorrow: No Block
Congratulations to the Unity Girls BB team on their win against Davenport Assumption yesterday! They move on to the next round on Thursday at 1:30 p.m. vs Estherville Lincoln Central. NO SCHOOL on Thursday. GO KNIGHTS!
Dance Team: A few months ago, Kayda Vanden Berg tried out for, and made the All Iowa Honor Dance Team! This Saturday, Kayda will be performing with the team at the 4A championship game. The Honor Dance Team is made up of 288 girls representing 92 Iowa high schools.
All Locker Rooms need to be cleared out by Wednesday. Whatever is left will be donated.