The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Lunch Today: Pork chops, cheesy potatoes, lettuce/dressing, pears, mixed fruit, dinner roll or chicken salad bar
Lunch Tomorrow: Chicken Parmesan, garlic bread, broccoli, carrot sticks, peaches, apple or taco salad bar
Today: Officer Pollema here in the a.m.
Chapel - Travis Else
Noon - Moms in Prayer
5:00 p.m. FR/JV/V Volleyball vs. Remsen St. Mary’s at Home
Tomorrow: Blocks 1,3,5,7
Living Groups
Student Council Sponsored Dance after the football game until midnight Friday night at Living Water! Stay tuned for more details!
Cross Country Results - Boys and Girls were both conference champs! Caleb TeKrony, Ethan Wynia, Jonathan Breems, Daylen Mulder, Ezra Landman, Levi Landman, Isaac Bandstra were all conference for the boys. Amaya Van Essen, Olivia Hoogland, Amy De Groot, Autumn Bousema, Jaidyn De Jong, Courtney Joiner, Addison Liston were all conference for the girls. Go Knights!!!
JV Football lost their game against West Sioux last night.
The Music Department of Unity Christian High School will present their Fall Concert on Tuesday, October 19 at 7:00 pm in the Knight Center. This is a great opportunity to hear all of the large group ensembles. The first half of the concert will feature the String Orchestra and Symphonic Band. Following a brief intermission to reset the stage, the Chorale, Knightsounds, and Concert Choir will perform. A free-will offering will be received.
The Unity Christian High School Winter Sports online store has been launched. The direct link for the store is:
Congratulations to Tyler Rozenboom for being selected into the 2021 Iowa OPUS Honor Choir. Tyler is one of only 180 ninth grade students from across the state who were selected for this honor. Tyler will perform in Stephens Auditorium at Iowa State University on Thursday, November 18.