Lunch Today: Hamburger, french fries, baked beans, dill pickle, pineapple, strawberries or chicken salad bar
Lunch Tomorrow: Chicken nuggets, potato rounds, carrot sticks, pears, mixed fruit, breadstick or ham salad bar
Today: Blocks 1,3,5,7
Living Groups Reach Out t-shirt order forms due TODAY!
Tomorrow: Blocks 2,4,6,8
Chapel - Bobby Peacock
Speech Meeting in Mrs. Vermeer’s room after chapel - see announcement
4:30 Girls/Boys JV/V BB vs. Western - Away
JV dismiss at 3:15; leave at 3:30
Varsity leaves at 4:00
Ticket information for basketball games at Western - Admission $6.00, doors will open at 4:00 p.m. Also, you can purchase the tickets online at, tickets will be $6.00 online as well.
Dress-up Days for Homecoming
Monday: Pajama Day
Tuesday: Country vs Country Club
Wednesday: Athletes vs. Mathletes
Thursday: Throwback Thursday
Friday: Formal Day
Homecoming Talent Show - Students, if you are interested in participating in the Homecoming Talent Show this year please sign up in the office with your name(s) and what type of talent or art you’ll be performing. There will also be a sheet to sign up for a time to audition for the Talent Show. The Auditions will be held on Jan 18 after school starting at 3:30 in the Library. Bring your best and we can’t wait to see you!
Speech: All students involved in large group speech (one act, group improv, short film, choral reading, and readers theatre) should meet in Mrs. Vermeer's room during break on Thursday for a short informational meeting about district competition next week.