Friday: Out at 11:50/No Lunch
Monday: French Toast Sticks, sausage, hash browns, carrot sticks, mandarin oranges, apple
Today: 11:50 Dismissal – End of 3rd Quarter
Officer Pollema is here in the morning.
Please pray for Josh Beltman as he will underwent a brain tissue biopsy, shunt placement, and another bone marrow biopsy yesterday. Please continue to pray for Laura and her family as well.
Students, please use the hand sanitizer in the lunch room before taking your tray for lunch. Please also wash your hands regularly throughout the day and cover your coughs and sneezes with your elbows, not your hands.
Students, please clear out your belongings from the locker rooms and office either today or tomorrow. What is left will be donated tomorrow. Thank you!
Tickets for the spring musical order link is on our website green band.