Friday: 8 periods with 1:30 PD Dismissal
JV G/B, JVRB, V G/B BB vs. MOC-FV (Reach Out Game)
4:00 - JVR B - AUX GYM
4:30 - JV G - MAIN GYM
5:15 - JV B - AUX GYM
6:00 - V G - MAIN GYM
7:30 - V B - MAIN GYM
Click HERE to purchase tickets ahead of time. No cash sales at the door. Credit/debit accepted.
Chili cheese dogs will be served in the concessions tonight.
8:30 - 11 AM - Quiz Bowl @ MOC
2:30 PM - Stanley County vs. Unity Christian - V B BB @ Heritage Classic Tournament @ Pentagon - lv @ 10AM
Knightsounds @ Calvary CRC in Orange City (5:00 pm service)
Thurs. 1/30 BB @ Western: JVRB - Won 45-39
FROM THE NURSE: We are seeing lots of sickness this week - we have had over 10% of our student body absent for sickness all week. Please stay home if you are sick, cover your cough, and wash your hands often! Students should be fever-free for 24 hours without use of fever-reducing medications (ibuprofen, Tylenol, Aleve, etc.) before returning to school. We are not alone in this - other area schools are seeing increased sickness too. If you have any questions, please contact our school nurse, Melinda Scholten.
FFA Fruit Sales began Friday, January 19 and goes through Thursday, February 13. Delivery will be March 3-7. Contact a FFA member to order or use this form to fill out and bring to the Unity!
2024-2025 Yearbook Order Form - please fill this out to purchase a yearbook. Each yearbook is $50. The yearbooks will arrive in August.
Feb 7 SMSU Ag Bowl/FFA Invite
Feb 8 ACT Test Date
State Large Group Speech
Feb 11 4:30-7:30 - Sophomore Soup Supper
Feb 13-15 Dordt University Honor Band/Orchestra
Feb 14 No School - Staff PD Day
Feb 17 No School
Feb 18 Pops Concert
Feb 22 All-State Festival - Large Group Speech
Feb 26 School Board Meeting
Feb 27 6:30-8:00 - Science Fair Open House
Feb 28 1:30 PD Dismissal
ACT Registration Deadline - 4/5 test date