The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Friday, March 18, 2022
Lunch Today: No Lunch - 11:50 dismissal
Lunch Monday: Grilled cheese, vegetable soup, lettuce with dressing, applesauce, grapes or chicken salad bar
7:00 p.m - Wizard of Oz Musical - Get your tickets HERE.
7:00 p.m - Wizard of Oz Musical Final Performance - Get your tickets HERE.
Saturday Night: All parents of Wizard of Oz participants are invited to help take the set down after the final show. Please bring your drills. Thank you!
Seniors and Juniors: Please fill out the following survey to help with arranging tables for prom. Thanks!
UCHS CHEER 2022-23 is having tryouts Wednesday, April 20. Sign up to try out HERE.
The Unity Dance Team is having tryouts on Saturday, April 23. Sign up to try out HERE.