Today: BBQ Pork Sandwich, potato chips, baked beans, applesauce, mandarin oranges or chicken salad bar
Monday: Calzone, Broccoli Normandy, carrot sticks, applesauce, mandarin oranges or chicken salad bar
· Gates open at 6:00 p.m. for Friday night’s football game against MOC-FV. Every person must have a purple ticket to be able to enter the game. Present your ticket and pay $5 at the gate. Theme is KNIGHT (NAVY) OUT!
Tomorrow: 9:00 a.m. Varsity Unity Christian Volleyball Tournament
9:30 a.m. JV Volleyball Tournament at Western
· Congratulations to the following juniors who were voted as class officers: Mylia Wagenaar, Rae Raines, Landon Hofmeyer and Katy Timmer!
· Anyone interested in participating in Quiz Bowl this year should come to a brief meeting in Mr. Mouw's room during morning break TODAY!
· Congratulations to Elsie Bartels, Laura Beltman and Lindsey Jacobsma who were voted in for the 2021 Orange City Tulip Court!