The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Monday, November 25, 2024
Monday: 8 periodsĀ
Guatemala team picture after 6th period - meet at the stairs!
Winter sports pictures
3:45 - Girls BB
4:05 - Boys BB
4:20 - Cheer
4:30 - Dance
Tuesday: 8 periods with chapel
Chapel: Thanksgiving Praise
6:00 PM JV/V GBB vs Lawton Bronson
Wednesday: 8 periods with 11:50 AM dismissal
Thursday: NO SCHOOL
Weight room NOT open
Weight room NOT open
Winter Sports Picture Day TODAY
Girls Basketball teams - 3:45pmĀ
Boys Basketball teams - 4:05
Cheerleading - 4:20
Dance - 4:30
Photos may be ordered online anytime BEFORE picture day and time!
Parents, athletes or coaches may reach out toĀ info@vanessabartelsphoto.comĀ with any questions!
WEIGHT ROOM will be CLOSED over Thanksgiving break!
2025 Jr Knights Dance Camp on January 10th. The Unity Christian Dance Team is excited to be hosting our annual Kids Camp again this year! Camp is for students grades Kindergarten through 8th. Click HEREĀ to register by December 20th.Ā
Guatemala team - we're going to try for a picture at afternoon break today.Ā Meet by the stairs right away after 6th.
Sign up for TEAMS - (Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science) - TEAMS is a fun competition that takes place in late January. Groups of 4 work to answer questions, solve problems and design a product all related to this year's topic of Extreme Weather. Please email or talk to Mrs. Nyenhuis about participating in this year's competition.Ā Ā
Auditions for Unity's spring production, The Miracle Worker, will be Dec.16 and 17. You may sign up for an audition slot in Ms. Van Dyke's room.
FFA Soup Supper: The Unity Christian FFA is hosting their annual soup supper on December 16 from 4:30-6:30pm prior to our Christmas Concert. The soup supper will take place in the Unity cafeteria. Free will donations will be taken. Come and enjoy food and fellowship while supporting future FFA projects!