The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Lunch Today: Cavatini, garlic bread, lettuce with dressing, dill pickles, pears, mixed fruit or chicken salad bar
Lunch Tomorrow: Ham sandwich, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, strawberries, pineapple, Christmas cookie or chicken salad bar
Today: Blocks 1,3,5,7
Living Groups
Ugly Sweater Day! Dress up in the worst Christmas sweater you can find.
Tomorrow: Night before Christmas- dress up like anyone would on the night before Christmas. Maybe you have a favorite pair of Christmas PJ’s or you can dress up as the big man himself.
Blocks 2,4,6,8
Praise Chapel
4:30 FR/JV/V Boys BB vs. Gehlen Catholic - Away
FR dismiss at 3:15 bus leaves at 3:30
JV/V bus leaves at 4:00
Prayer Request
Please continue to pray for our staff and students that are fighting illnesses and recovering from injuries and surgeries.
Tailgate at Friday’s Basketball games serving from 5-7 p.m. Proceeds go to Unity Booster Club.
Softball: Any freshmen girls interested in playing softball please email Coach De Jong at
Dress Up Days! This week on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday we will have several dress-up days to help us wind down the year and get into the Christmas Spirit. Here is a list of what the themes will be for each day:
Thursday: Night before Christmas- dress up like anyone would on the night before Christmas. Maybe you have a favorite pair of Christmas PJ’s or you can dress up as the big man himself.
Friday: Christmas Extravaganza- dress up with any Christmas related clothing, whether it be a pair of reindeer slippers, the hottest Christmas themed sunglasses, or even just one of the shepherds in from the fields nearby keeping watch over their flocks by night.
Reminders: We do not give out ibuprofen to students in the office. If it is something you need at times you may carry it in your backpack.
Sign In/Out: When signing in and out of the office please write your first and last name as well as the times you signed in or out. It is necessary for doing the attendance report at the end of the day. Thank you!
Students: You are not allowed to go to your vehicle during the school hours to get something you forgot to bring in the morning.
Exam Schedule Change Forms are in the office if you need to fill one out. Deadline to turn forms in is Thursday, December 16 at 3:30 p.m.
All books checked out from the library this semester need to be returned before exams can be taken. Please return them ASAP. Thanks! Unity Librarians