Wednesday: 8 periods with Living Groups
10:40 AM - Tornado Drill #2
Thursday: 8 periods with chapel
Chapel: Mr. Dykstra
Bussing: Sioux Center route runs @ 3:30pm; all other routes run @ 1:30pm (Due to OCCS P/T conferences)
Weight room NOT open
Quiz Bowl @ Algona
Honor Band Auditions
LOST & FOUND: Please stop by the lost & found table located in the hallway entering the classroom wing (just past the double doors). Items that have been left in the locker rooms have also been added, so take another look! All items left at the end of the week will be donated.
Combo Night in November! Mark your calendars for Unity's Fall Fine Arts production of a One-Act play, Mannenkoor, and The Cast (improv group) on Thursday, November 14 at 7:00pm. You can purchase your tickets through Bound HERE. Adults are $8; K-12 are $5.
BLOCK PARTY INFORMATION: There is a sign up for Jr and Sr boys wanting to play powder puff volleyball in the office. All classes are encouraged to come watch and cheer on the teams at 7:00pm on November 15. Ice cream and popcorn will be available, and there will be mini games that the crowd can participate in. A dance will follow at the Children's Park Shelter House in Sioux Center. NOTE: This is a Unity only dance, no outside guests will be permitted to enter.
If you are not attending the block party but want to come to the dance, the cost will be $7