The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Wednesday: Blocks 1,3,5,7
School Picture Day - grades 9-11
Living Groups
Freshmen student council voting during break or lunch
Pre-All-State Choir Rehearsal/Clinic @ Bishop Heelan
Thursday: Blocks 2,4,6,8
Chapel: Praise Chapel
5:30pm - JVR/JV/V VB @ Rock Valley - DRESS THEME - Navy Out
leave @ 4:15
Friday: 8 periods - 1:30 dismissal
6:00pm - tailgate sponsored by Dragstra family - grilled pork loin sandwiches, chips and drink.
7:00pm - V FB vs. West Lyon - DRESS THEME - Cowboy/Cowgirl
Monday 9/11 JVR FB vs. West Lyon - lost 6-46
Monday 9/11 JV FB @ Akron-Westfield - lost 26-28
Tuesday 9/12 CC Storm Lake Invite results:
Girls JV and Varsity both placed second yesterday in our meet at Storm Lake. Katie Young placed 3rd overall along with Addison Liston placing 5th overall. Olivia Hoogland also placed 16th overall. Way to go ladies!
Congrats to the Boys XC team on 2 strong races at the Storm Lake Invite. JV Medalists include David Winn, Calum Monroe, and Eli Geleynse. Our Varsity Medalist was Elijah Schreurs.
All Seniors and Freshmen students: At afternoon break today the seniors and freshmen are invited to a student council sponsored ice cream social in the cafeteria. The purpose of this event is to build friendships and the sharing of advice.
Quiz Bowl practice today (Wednesday) during lunch. 1st lunch: room 123. 2nd lunch: room 104.
Voting for freshmen student council is happening today! Freshmen - stop in at break or during lunch to vote for your three representatives.
Tulip Court application letters are due this week Friday by 5:00 p.m. If you have any questions, contact Lauren McDonald at
Spirit Week is next week Sept 18-22! Schedule of dress up days and activities:
Monday - pajama day (activity from 9:56-10:32)
Tuesday - BBQ Dad vs Soccer Mom (chapel at normal time)
Powderpuff game on Tuesday night, September 19 - $5 + a nonperishable item to get into the game. A form will be sent out today for the upperclassmen girls to sign up for a team.
Wednesday - pink out (activity in our living groups)
Thursday - Country vs Country Club (chapel at normal time)
Friday - Class Colors (activity from 9:56-10:32)
Freshmen: Grey, Sophomores: Carolina Blue, Juniors: Navy, Seniors: White
Family photos: We have a family tree in our Courtyard and would love to continue building our tree. Our goal is to get to know the many names and faces of our Unity families. If you are a new family to Unity or a current family and would like to update your current photo would you please email us a digital family photo; Include the names of the people in the photo. If you have a split household, we would like photos of both families. Please send pictures and names to Thank you for your help! We look forward to receiving your photo!