The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Today: Exams 4,6,8
11:50 dismissal
4:30 Boys (NO Girls) JV/V Basketball vs. HMS - Away
JV Bus leaves at 3:00
V Bus leaves at 3:45
Tomorrow: Exams 2,7, Makeup Slot
11:50 dismissal - Christmas Break begins. Merry Christmas!
Sports Report
FR Girls/Boys both won their games last night.
The Booster Club needs some additional concession helpers for the remainder of the basketball games.
If you have any questions concerning the sign up, please contact Tracy Wieringa. Thank you!
Continue to pray for the health and strength for our students and staff who are recovering from sickness, injuries and surgeries. Pray that our students would stay healthy inorder to prepare for and take semester finals. Pray that all members of the Unity community would have a safe and healthy Christmas break.
We praise God for His guidance, grace, and wisdom throughout the past semester. Pray that each of us would experience Christ’s joy and peace through the blessings of the Christmas season!
Bussing Exam Week: Buses will be running normal times Monday and Tuesday that means they will not be running at noon except for the Sioux Center route. It will be running in the morning and at noon. Buses will be running morning and noon on Wednesday. Please notify the office if you have any questions. Thank you!
The exam schedule is on our home page calendar.
Office Closed: The office will close Dec. 20-22 at noon and be closed for Christmas Dec. 23 - Jan. 3.